Jerry’s Images
Jerry’s Images
This is the 9th Annual Women’s Tea Party hosted by Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. The program began with a prayer, and then the National Anthem. The guests were then invited to enjoy the food fest. Everyone could sample the cuisine offered at different tables, representing the numerous nations that were represented.
After the food fest, Cynthia Khan spoke. She is the Director of International Friendship Centers six being located here in Michigan. Cynthia travels around the country training churches, and other organizations how to set up community outreaches to refugees, and the international community. Refuge for Nations is the Community Service arm of the International Friendship Centers.
The rest of the program consisted of an Eritrean, Arab, Mexican and Pakistani women telling personal stories of how they have benefitted from the programs offered by Refuge for Nations. Afterwards, there were two folk dancers who performed and later two lyrical dancers from The Links Shool of the Arst. Wayne Community College partner with Refuge for Nations, to offer industrial sewing class to refugee, and immigrant women every year. The program concluded with the Parade of Nations. Follow us on “Refuge Nation” on Facebook and Instagram.
International Womans’ Tea
January 12, 2019